For men and women who want to get rid of their texting neck, fix their posture in order to move,





Now I’ve explained the real danger to your health and wellbeing of ignoring the warning signs your body is giving you and not taking action as soon as possible, I’m sure you can see the real value of the Forward Head Posture FIX program.

It’s shocking to see how many people fail to hit their true potential and never reach peak performance simply because of too much sitting and texting. You are literally throwing your health away by holding off from dealing with this health-killer right now.

Imagine all your hard work in the gym crafting a strong, powerful, healthy physique being wasted simply because of a straightforward, easy-to-fix posture problem that takes only a few minutes a day to solve.

The Forward Head Posture FIX program has already helped hundreds of men and women, many of whom were unaware of the problem and its effects on their bodies, until they looked in the mirror. After only a few days of using the fix, many experienced a difference.

So to celebrate the launch of the program, we’re slashing the regular price for a limited time only.

The full retail price of the program with bonuses is $97. However, as these are the first batch of programs available we’re slashing the price to get this to as many action-takers as possible.

(Rick wants you and other early birds to take the program and start using his techniques IMMEDIATELY, so you can start seeing the effects and tell your friends).

That’s why you won’t pay $97 for if you're one of the first people to take action during the launch.

No, we’re making the very first version of the program available for a measly $9.

For just $9 you’ll have access to the complete program, including Rick’s detailed video walk-through demonstrations and explanations of his unique “sequential flow”, the complete manual and the two powerful bonuses (total package valued at $97.00).



Forward Head Posture FIX + bonuses!


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Walk Taller

Walk taller - correcting your posture may add up to two inches to your height as your body naturally lengthens and your curved back and shoulders straighten, bringing with it greater confidence and impact when you walk in the room

Maximum performance - confidently work out to your maximum and strive to hit peak performance without fear of injury

Sleep better – wake up feeling refreshed, energized and ready to take on the day when you get the best night’s sleep of your life

Boost testosterone — moving into correct posture for two minutes can instantly increase testosterone by 20% and decrease cortisol by 25% which is the hormone that inhibits weight loss and keeps you fat.

Greater Confidence

Greater confidence - People with slumped shoulders display a lack of self confidence. According to a study, 92% of people were able to generate positive thoughts by adopting a better posture. If you have good posture, you’ll make a positive impression on others and instantly feel more confident and empowered.

Look and feel slimmer - correct your posture and you’ll automatically look slimmer, when you lose the ugly turtle neck that squashes your belly outwards. As you start fixing your posture, you’ll notice your clothes start to fit a little better. You’ll also notice more and more comments from colleagues and friends that you look like you’ve lost weight, even turning heads in the office.

Slow down the aging process — as your joints degraded faster due to Forward Head Posture, so its elimination will roll back the process. With a better, more balanced posture, the chance of developing a hunch as you get older rapidly decreases.

Break free from neck, back and shoulder pain — without the stress on your neck, shoulder and back muscles the pain will dissipate along with the tension headaches.

Breathe easier — once the body is correctly aligned suddenly your respiratory function begins to improve. There is a direct link between improved lung capacity and better posture.

Focus more effectively — with a more balanced posture comes greater blood flow to the brain, more oxygen from being able to breathe more easily and less “brain fog”, allowing you to think and act more clearly.


I’ve demonstrated how Forward Head Posture FIX can get you back in alignment and feeling strong and healthy again. I’ve shown you exactly what you get with the program plus the two valuable bonuses and how you can grab these today for a super-low price. I’ve even reversed all the risk for you to make this a real no-brainer.

Now, it’s down to you.

You may take what you’ve learned today and tell yourself “fine, I’ll get around to it myself”. But will you? What happens when life gets in the way and you suddenly find yourself feeling self conscious or in pain again weeks down the road?

Then, one day a few months from now, you catch sight of yourself in the mirror… and remember exactly why you were so desperate to do something about it. You can barely look at your rounded shoulders and the hunched-up ugly posture just staring back at you in the reflection.

And you ask yourself, what would it feel like right now if you’d taken action back then?

I know that’s not the path you chose today.

Instead, I want you to choose the better path that so many others have successfully walked who’ve used Forward Head Posture FIX.

From the very first time you watch the video walkthrough with Rick, you’ll discover exactly why the program has been so popular as you’ll stay to benefit almost immediately.

Taking only 15 minutes a day, you find the program really easy to incorporate into your daily routine and within a week you notice the little aches and pains in your shoulders, back and neck have disappeared.

You feel stronger, more powerful and feel more energized. After only a week you’re already experiencing the sensation of turning people’s heads at work and casual comments about whether you’ve lost weight.

You wake up every morning bursting with vitality and health after the best sleep you’ve enjoyed in years. You genuinely feel more alive and more youthful, simply by getting your body back into balance.

After a few months, you look at yourself in the mirror and notice that you look more confident and leaner and then you'll remember today as the moment you made the decision which changed it all.

Make that choice right now.

Hit the Buy Now button below and be ready to fill out your credit card details on the following secure web page. Once your details have been entered and payment is confirmed, hit Submit.

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Check your email inbox for log-in details and immediately start watching the videos and reading the manual and bonuses.

In only a few minutes you could be making a difference to your health and well-being, and protecting yourself against long-term damage to your spine.

Don’t deny yourself the chance to look the best you can, feel the strongest you can feel and enjoy a healthy and happy lifestyle knowing your posture isn’t damaging your long-term health.

Soli Deo gloria,

Mike Westerdal

Mike Westerdal, CPT, RKC

Try Forward Head Posture FIX for just 60 days and find out how Rick’s unique “sequential flow” of 10 simple exercises can put your body back into alignment to quickly reduce back and neck pain, improve breathing, boost energy and help you sleep better than ever.

If you want to stand taller, look leaner, improve your breathing and sleep while getting rid of texting neck you can do it in just 15-minutes

Helps With Mobility, Range of Motion and Joint Pain

"I don't just recommend anyone in the fitness industry. In fact there aren't that many in the fitness industry that I would put my stamp of approval on.

Rick Kaselj has put out more products that help people solve joint pain and injuries than anyone would have thought possible for a career! If you need help with mobility, range of motion, joint pain or simply moving better you need to pick up this product today! As always Rick stands behind his products with a solid satisfaction you've got nothing to lose!"

Dan Ritchie, PhD
FAI President
PFP Trainer of the Year 2014
Creator of

Sleeping Better & Sharing With All My Clients

"As a fitness professional, and gym owner, I thought that I was always aware of my body mechanics and stood up straight with perfect posture. I had suffered a horrible accident in my twenties, getting hit in the head with a baseball bat, and that started a windfall of weakness and pain as the years went on. I would stretch regularly, do upper body exercises, and thought that I did everything to keep the pain away, after all, I was a fitness pro...but it kept getting worse.

I started an online business a couple of years ago that involved sitting for hours at a desk on my laptop. Within a few months I had this nagging pain between my shoulders, radiating upward that wouldn’t seem to subside, getting worse every week, even after buying a “special ergonomic cushion” to sit on during my on line sessions. I went to a chiropractor, got massages, and kept actively stretching the muscles in and around my neck, sometimes taking pain medication...but the neck and upper back pain wouldn’t subside.

Luckily for me after enduring headaches, and the stabbing feeling between my shoulders that lead to sleepless nights, I found Rick’s Forward Head Posture Fix!

After practicing the easy flow of movements and mobility exercises, and putting Forward Head Posture FIX into action for minutes daily... within weeks, I was free of the excruciating pain that made it hard to concentrate or perform even the simplest of tasks. I felt that every muscle in my upper body was more open, and relaxed.

I was more focused, could work for hours without pain, slept better than ever and was spending less time and money trying to find remedies that didn’t work.

Since using this plan, not only am I pain free... I now implement these easy to practice movement patterns with clients in our gym so that they can prevent injuries of the neck and upper body, and recover from the pain associated with the wrong forward head posture."

Dawn Sylvester ISSA, CPT, SSN
Troy, Michigan

Popular With Athletes for Better Performance

"As a CrossFit Coach to thousands of athletes from all over the world, I'm constantly preaching the importance of form and posture. Nowadays with so many of my athletes spending their days sitting at a desk at work or texting with their head forward this can have a negative effect on their form and performance in their workouts.

Forward Head Posture FIX is an amazingly simple and effective program that helps to correct the bad posture habits of my athletes so that they can perform at their best day in and day out. I'm excited to have more of my athletes follow this awesome protocol!"

Robby Blanchard, MBA, BS, CPT
CrossFit L1 Trainer
Owner/ CrossFit Reach

If You Sit or Text A Lot This Is For You!

"One of the most common problems that clients of mine ask about is not always how to lose fat or gain muscle but surprisingly how to correct and fix poor posture. Many of them spend a lot of time sitting and even though they workout and are focusing on leading a healthy lifestyle they are still frustrated with neck pain, headaches and shoulder alignment problems that we really want to help them correct and eliminate for good.

The great news for us and now you is any of these issues can be fixed. In our industry Rick is the go to person we all seek out to help us and our clients correct these annoying postural problems. Rick's newest solution 'Head Forward Posture Fix' is groundbreaking. It's proven, tested and scientifically structured - and its simple to understand as well.

If you own a cell phone and you text a lot, sit down to work and have that constant nagging ache in your neck, back, shoulder - in fact your entire body - that you want to fix right now for good then you should take a look at Rick's Forward Head Posture FIX. It simply works and will solve a problem that has likely been bothering you for a very long time. "

Tristan Lewis /

“For weeks I had been suffering from serious headaches. until I started using Rick Kaselj’s Forward Head Posture FIX and it has helped get rid of the nasty headaches that I was having. Thank you, Rick.

As someone who spends long hours in front of a computer, I have developed poor posture which puts additional strain on my shoulders and lower neck. In addition to causing neck pain, shoulder pain and headaches, this kind of posture can increase stress and anxiety.

My favorite part of this program are the follow along videos which take you through exactly how to perform the exercises. I can't recommend Coach Rick enough for anyone suffering from injuries and pain. His programs are the fastest and most effective by far."

Tom Talbot B.Sc.

What Others Are Saying About Forward Head Posture

Forward head posture has become so prevalent, in part because of our lifestyle – people working at desks, children playing video games, or simply prolonged poor posture.

However it happens, there are major health consequences that go hand-in-hand with forward head posture. They include back pack, neck pain, restriction of your breathing, osteoporitic fractures, an associating with asthma, headaches, and it can even contribute to carpal tunnel syndrome."

~Ashley Mazurek
C.H.E.K. Institute

"The brain needs feedback from the body and in particular from the spinal joints and muscles in order to maintain any posture, such as sitting or standing. In fact C4 vertebral level in your mid neck has the most nerves feeding back to your brain and when the nerves are stretched due to a straight curve, it gives “false readings”, which perpetuate the poor posture.

This is why regular correct and frequent exercise can change the false pathway and create new better postural pathways, which can break bad old habits."

~Dr. Pamela Leader
Chiropractor at the Emirates European Medical Centre in Dubai

"To live a long, active, energetic life, few things matter more than good posture"

~Rene Calliet, MD
The Rejuvenation Strategy

"These days, people are constantly "connected" to their hand-held devices, whether it is their cellular phones, portable video games like Nintendo DS, e-readers such as Amazon Kindle, or they are just using apps on an iPhone.

A Kaiser Family Foundation survey found that young people 8-18 years old spend in excess of seven-and-a-half hours a day using some form of mobile media. As a result, this younger demographic will surely be presenting to our offices with more forward head posture (FHP)."

~Dean Fishman, DC, CFE, AHFI

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